Friday, October 10, 2014

Update to crowdfunding

Unfortunately, I think I might have to give up all hopes of getting my mom hearing aids.  I had hoped that others would help me but apparently not.  I'm not into social media that much so I knew it was a long shot to begin with.

I've tried issuing challenges via Twitter to others to donate to someone in need of hearing aids, since October is National Audiology Awareness Month.  I started out by donating to another Indiegogo campaign for a woman on disability in need of hearing aids.  It wasn't much, but I wanted to show others that any amount would help.  Even though we are like many others, in need of so much to survive, I was willing to give a little help to someone else.  That's the way I was brought up.  I was raised with that generation, but obviously times have changed.

On many of my tweets, I asked for others to at least re-tweet my need, to get it to a larger audience.  Unfortunately, only a couple people did...and to those, I thank for their help.

I did not tell my mom about my quest to get her hearing aids, as I didn't want to get her hopes up.  I wanted to surprise her with the money.  She knows we are struggling after last winter's heating bills, our van getting totaled, our car being hit by an uninsured driver, among other things.  $700.00 per month for propane and $300.00 per month for electric bill since the furnace ran almost non-stop...even with the thermostat set on 62 degrees and a fireplace.  I'm worried about the upcoming winter bills, but I guess we will make it through...

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