Thursday, October 9, 2014

Do Crowd Funders REALLY work?

This is a question I've always wondered...Do Crowd Funders really work?  My personal experience is no, but I'm hoping to change my opinion.  While my campaigns apparently weren't important enough to others, they certainly were to me.
I often browsed through many campaigns just to get an idea of what type of crisis in a person's life would lead them to start a crowd funder campaign.  I was surprised at some campaigns that actually were overfunded, while others were virtually ignored. 
I have read how a college student that wanted to take a vacation would receive many donations, while someone with high medical bills due to illness or needed medical equipment were overlooked.  While I understand that the definition of "emergency" is different to everyone, there are many scammers around.   In today's world, it's very difficult to distinguish "true needs" vs. "scammers" and many people, including me, are very skeptical about stories posted on crowd funders.
It is stated that friends and family are important in helping with crowd funders, but what happens when you don't have friends or family that can afford to help?  What does it take to get donations on crowd funders for your cause?  I'm still waiting to have that question answered...
There are many people and companies that offer to promote your campaign, for a fee.  As a last ditch effort you employ an individual that promises to help promote your campaign.  This is a message I received with one of my campaigns:
"Could you use some help with your campaign?
For $5 I will contribute $1, leave a nice personal comment and share your campaign link on Facebook.
This will help your campaign get more views and potential backers, get a better position here and raise its credibility and motivate others to contribute as well.
I can also help you improve and promote your campaign.
If you want to know more about my services, visit this link:
http:        (deleted as to not give this person any exposure)
Good luck with your campaign!"

Okay, is this what it takes to jumpstart donations?  My first reaction is this a scammer trying to obtain money from me?  What guarantee do I have that they will perform their part?  Are they preying on my need for help, that I believe they will hold up their end of the deal?  Or are they just out to scam me out of five dollars?  I will never know since I ignored their message,
I have received additional comments stating they wanted to feature my campaign in their blog and wanted me to contact them.  However, they didn't list a website where their blog was available for me to check out before I submitted MY information to them.  Is this also a scam for my information?  One message I received was the following:
"I think your project would be perfect for my blog! I wanted to get in touch and feature it ASAP. My audience is mostly interested in anything new and Health related. I included a form to submit your campaign with a few extra questions with it. Fill it out as if you’re speaking directly to the audience and making it sound awesome!"
It appears there are plenty of individuals who claim that they will promote your cause, but usually want to do it for a fee.  Yet, none are willing to make that first $1.00 donation. If they were that "passionate" about my cause, wouldn't they make a simple $1.00 donation to show they care?  Or as I stated earlier, are they just out to prey on my desperation for assistance that they will promise me the sun, stars and moon to get me to pay them?
There are also websites, that for a fee will post your crowd funder to bring more exposure to your need.  I also checked those out.  Eventually I chose and paid $5.00 to embed my widget at
in hopes of bringing more exposure and to jumpstart my cause.  Their website was uncluttered, organized and simple to navigate.  They were also cheapest, and what appears to have a good exposure.  Time will tell if my $5.00 was well spent.
The Indiegogo campaign that I am passionate about is at
If you have never had a friend or relative with hearing loss, you may never understand this need.  Hearing loss is not only frustrating for the person with hearing loss, but also for their loved ones.  It's extremely difficult to carry on a conversation with someone who has hearing loss.  I know first hand, as I live with two people, plus a German Shepherd that has severe hearing loss!  Yes, a 90 pound German Shepherd!  Although there is help for my mom and husband for their hearing loss, I have yet to discover hearing aids for dogs!
Napping with his favorite cow.  These ears can't hear either.  (sad face)

Talking to my mom is extremely hard with her current hearing aids.  I've noticed that she really does NOT understand the majority of what I say to her.  She will nod or smile as if she thinks she is answering my questions, yet neither reply was required from her, but a more detailed answer.  Other times, I will explain something to her, and two minutes later, she will repeat the same thing that I told her, as if she is telling me new information,  Most times, I just do NOT know if she heard or understand what I told her.
I took her to Fluke Hearing for a new hearing test.  After several tests, it was determined her current hearing aids were useless to her (which I already knew).  She was thoroughly tested and a new type of hearing aid was found to work amazingly with her hearing loss.  While hooked up to the equipment, she was able to hear the audiologist standing 15 - 20 feet behind her, and answered his questions!  I never thought this would ever be possible, as her hearing has deteriorated substantially in the past five years.  Currently, we have to stand two feet in front of her, face to face to talk to her and we still aren't sure she understands or hears what we say to her.  It brought tears to our eyes.
The audiologist stated that Mom has been living in silence for so long that it will take awhile for her brain to adjust to actually hearing people talking to her, and process what they are saying.  But it's a start!  Insurance will cover $2542.00 of her hearing aids, leaving us with $958.00 portion before she can get the hearing aids.
Due to many serious issues that we have had over the past few months, and with propane costs for the upcoming winter, we do not have the money to pay the difference to pick up her hearing aids.  That tears me apart, because she was always there for us in our time of need.  Therefore, this campaign was started...
I will update this blog, as time progresses to determine if this campaign works.  If we receive the funding to pay the balance on the new hearing aids, her current hearing aids will be donated to be refurbished for someone else's use.  Thanks to all who took the time to read my story...

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